Bodybuilding Training Principles

 Bodybuilding Training Principles

Progressinve Overload Principle

This is the most essential basic principle for muscle growth in bodybuilding. This was in B.C. 300 is a term developed from the study of the behavior of a person named Milo who lived in Croton, Greece. This man named Milo used to carry his calf from his house to the farm. During this daily process, Milo's muscles gradually adjusted to the increased weight as the calf grew larger, allowing Milo to carry the calf without difficulty even after the calf grew into a large cow. But if someone tries to lift that big cow all at once, it will be difficult. This principle was born out of understanding how the systems adapt to the load as it gradually increases. Gradual increase in load can be done using the FITT principle discussed earlier.

Use Disuse Theroy

French biologist JB. According to the Use & Disuse theory introduced by Lamarck (1744-1829), it was concluded that when we operate certain systems in the body, there is growth in those systems and when they are in need, there is a decrease in the growth of plant systems.

This theory was confirmed in his study of giraffes. Giraffes had short necks thousands of years ago, and because they lived in an area with very tall trees, their necks became long due to the habit of plucking leaves as long as their necks were high, and snakes had legs thousands of years ago, but they were bushes. It was also found that living in densely populated areas caused them to crawl instead of walking, and over time their legs atrophied and lost. Thus, muscle growth by making the muscles work continuously, (Hypertrophy).

It was also found that muscle atrophy occurs by not exercising the muscles. Similarly, he observed that the size of their arms had increased due to several generations of carpentry. This principle of use and non-use. Some also call it Reversibility.

Gradual Progression

From the level of a beginner athlete to the level of an advanced athlete, one should gradually move from simple exercises to complex exercises. If a beginner is a beginner, body weight exercises can be done using simple equipment like dumbbells, kettlebells, resistance bands, and gradually one-joint exercises, exercise equipment, multi-joint exercises, advanced exercise methods, etc. can be added. Many young people today.A professional bodybuilder can find a workout routine on the Internet or some other way and use it right at the beginning of training. This is a complete wrongdoing. Due to this, the chances of getting into an accident are high.


The body is uniquely shaped by what we give it. This is also known as the Specific Allowance to impose demand (ISAID Principle). For muscle growth, weight lifting exercises must give intensity to the body, and the body is uniquely shaped according to the type of exercise we give to the body, such as resistance through aerobic exercises, flexibility through flexibility exercises, endurance of the heart, lungs and blood vessels through cardio exercises, and conditioning through combination exercises. It will be shaped.

Rest , Recovery and balance

The rest between two sets of exercises, between two exercises as well as between two series of exercises should be given properly. (This was discussed earlier.) Likewise, the muscles must be trained diligently. In particular, opposing muscles should be trained equally. That is, if you are doing exercises for the back area, you should do three exercises for the back area, if you are doing two exercises for the front, then two exercises for the back, and if you are doing two exercises for the front of the arms, then two exercises should be done for the back of the shoulders.

Size Principle

According to a research report published in 1965 by Henneman et al., a motor unit consisting of a motor neuron and a muscle fiber is a slow-twitch fiber. Slow twitch fiber) and fast twitch fiber (fast twitch fiber) are affected by the intensity and frequency of exercise. Similarly, slow-twitch fibers are activated before fast-twitch fibers.

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